Sovereignty and a profan waste: Reflections on biopolitics in raduan nassar’s prose
Ancient tillage, Family community, Desecration, SovereigntyAbstract
Considering that the narrative of the Ancient tillage novel is sedimented in a patriarchal context, derived from a Mediterranean (Judeo-hristian) culture, the present study aims to reflect on the unfolding of the norm that mobilizes the confrontations of the family community In this way we can visualize the two parts that differ in their positions: that of the sovereign (figure of the father) who tries to normalize the limbs of the body by means of a state of exception, and that of the prodigal son (André) who desecrates the space of the crop sowing the disunity of family ties, which culminates in tragedy. Thus, the fundamentals of our study start from the readings of Esposito (2011); Agamben (2007; 2014) and Foucault (1988; 2006).
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