‘A casa de vidro’: the distopic impulse on the hard lines of Ivan Ângelo
The glass house, Ivan Ângelo, Authoritarianism, DystopiaAbstract
Utopia thought did not arise with Utopia (1516), by Morus, but fiction still feels its influence: the utopian thought and speculation about a better world have stimulated the creation of works that focus on disorder and disharmony. In Utopian fiction the conditions for Dystopia arise, and here we analyze “A Casa de Vidro” (“The House of Glass", by Ivan Ângelo), one of the dystopic texts originally written in Portuguese. Dystopias provide social and political analysis; they have peculiar aspects and they emerged in the nineteenth century and strengthened in the twentieth century. They are marked by totalitarianism, centralization of power, u/dystopic plan, repression of people, control by violence, questioning of the status quo, popular alienation; high tech, a watched freedom, anti heroes banned. This work is based on Arendt (1979), Figueiredo (2009), Foucault (1987), Kothe (1985), Todorov (2013) and Tomachevski (2013). We hope that this research can contribute to new studies on Brazilian Dystopias and their power for analysing society.Downloads
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FOUCAULT, Michel. Vigiar e punir: nascimento da prisão. Tradução de Raquel Ramalhete. Petrópolis, Vozes, 1987.
KOTHE, Flávio René. O herói. São Paulo: Ática, 1985.
TODOROV, Tzvetan. A narrativa fantástica. IN: TODOROV, Tzvetan. As estruturas narrativas. São Paulo: Perspectiva, 2013, p. 147-166.
TOMACHEVSKI, Boris. Temática. IN: TODOROV, Tzvetan. Teoria da Literatura: textos dos formalistas russos. São Paulo: Editora Unesp, 2013, p. 305-356.
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