The literary representation of Lampião in Rachel de Queiroz: nuances of authoritarianism
Lampião, Literary representation, AuthoritarianismAbstract
This work aims at analyzing literary representation about Lampião (2005), a northern Brazilian famous character created by the writer, Rachel de Queiroz. We did search a kind of reading of the book trying to understand theoretical contributions that go around history, culture, identity, and critics about social context in what is concerned to literature about Lampião. The theater produced by Raquel de Queiroz leads with the History of Virgulino Ferreira da Silva - called Lampião, and it gives focus on his life by the side of his partners (outlaws) and Lampião's lover, Maria Déa, she was known by Maria Bonita. In this way, the plot of the above-mentioned piece presents fragmented identities. In this perspective, we perceive beliefs, habits and actions in which the characters and behaviors of the cangaceiros take the form "excluded" from the social perspective.Downloads
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