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The built genre: the influence of the concept on identity construction in Duas Iguais


  • Ana Luiza Nunes Almeida Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, RS



Gender, Homoerotic literature, Heteronormativity, Identity, Duas Iguais


This article aims to understand the construction of gender on the homoerotic literature. To do so, it will be analyze Cintia Moscovich short novel, Duas Iguais (1998), in order to think over the influence of construction of gender on the identity formulation on the main characters. Thou, to elucidate this question, it will be discussed the proposed theory about this thematic and the way she is discussed on the literary narrative.


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How to Cite

Almeida, A. L. N. (2017). The built genre: the influence of the concept on identity construction in Duas Iguais. Literatura E Autoritarismo, (19).


