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The coast of murmurs and Netto loses his soul: a reflection on the return to the historical past in literature




A Costa dos Murmúrios, Netto Perde sua Alma, Historical novel, Historiographic metafiction


This article intends to analyze the approach of the Tabajara Ruas and Lidia Jorge literary productions and how they bring the historical past to the literary narratives. In the reflexive opposition between those two works, we will notice that this return does not always happen in order to critically review the historical process and this can basically reproduce the myths of the current discourse. Aiming for a satisfactory analysis of the problematic established from Netto Perde Sua Alma and A Costa dos Murmúrios, will be performed a theoretical return reviewing the changes that have settled on the interrelationship between historical and literary discourse. Thus, we will start from the ideas proposed by Gyorgy Lukács and the traditional historical novel; Linda Hutcheon and the historiographic metafiction, as well as the understand of historical materialism, by the voice of the theorist Walter Benjamin.


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How to Cite

Grossi, J. T. (2017). The coast of murmurs and Netto loses his soul: a reflection on the return to the historical past in literature. Literatura E Autoritarismo, (19).


