The trauma of fiction or the fiction of trauma: a reading of ‘K. Relato de uma busca’, by Bernardo Kucinski




Fiction, Testimony, Violence, Dictatorship


The act of writing about a trauma is also about trying to put in words the most absolute violence, capable of dehumanizing and reducing human dignity. Throughout History, countless governments have reached a state of exception and have treated their own citizens as enemies. The Brazilian dictatorship was one of them. In K. Relato de uma busca, by Bernardo Kucinski, the fragmented structure of the novel draws attention because it deals with a particular period of the recent History of the country. The novel has in Ana Rosa’s disappearance, Bernardo Kucinski’s very own sister, the beginning of a complicated plot of ficcional possibilities for something that was never solved. Consequence of a endless
mourning, K. relato de uma busca also reflects about the nature of the text, even though it cannot be described as a testimony, it is the report of a survivor.


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Author Biography

Raphaella Mendes Silva de Castro Lira, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, RJ

Licenciatura em Letras - Português/Literaturas pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro(2009), graduação em Bacharelado em Letras- Português-Literaturas pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro(2007), mestrado em Ciência da Literatura pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro(2010), doutorado em Doutorado Sanduíche (PDSE) pela Yale University(2013) e doutorado em Letras (Ciência da Literatura) pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro(2015).


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2017-01-11 — Updated on 2022-03-16


How to Cite

Lira, R. M. S. de C. (2022). The trauma of fiction or the fiction of trauma: a reading of ‘K. Relato de uma busca’, by Bernardo Kucinski. Literatura E Autoritarismo, (18). (Original work published January 11, 2017)