Two confessional novels: a comparison of São Bernardo with La Familia de Pascual Duarte




Neo-naturalism, Confessional novel, Brazil, Spain


This paper analyzes and compares a Brazilian neo-naturalist novel with one written in Spain. Despite the geographic and cultural distance between the authors, Graciliano Ramos and Camilo José Cela, and the striking differences in their backgrounds, there are remarkable similarities in their novels that reflect the aftermath of civil war and dislocation of society that both authors suffered. The narrative structure and literary antecedents of both novels are explored. Gracilianos’ interpretation of the genre includes regionalism and romanticism, while Cela’s is colored by tremendismo. In both there are significant departures from the Naturalism of Zola.


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M. W. Stannard, University of Minnesota

Doctoral student, Spanish Literature, Department of Spanish and Portuguese, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis 55455, U.S.A.


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Stannard, M. W. (2009). Two confessional novels: a comparison of São Bernardo with La Familia de Pascual Duarte. Literatura E Autoritarismo, (2), e3.