Queering Latin American popular culture


  • David William Foster Arizona State University




Queer, Latin america, Popular culture


The title of this essay exploits a clear structural ambiguity in the English language, one in which the right-posed noun phrase can be interpreted to function as either the subject or the object of the left-posed present participle. Thus, they (at least) two interpretations that may be extracted from the phrase are: 1) The process whereby one queers popular culture; and 2) The process whereby popular culture produces a queering effect.


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David William Foster, Arizona State University

Doutorado na University of Washington


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2003-09-01 — aktualisiert am 2023-11-24



Foster, D. W. (2023). Queering Latin American popular culture. Literatura E Autoritarismo, (1). https://doi.org/10.5902/1679849X74303 (Original work published 1. September 2003)