Plotinus and the third man argument



Parole chiave:

Plotinus, Third Man, Metaphysics, Intelligible Forms


This paper proposes to pose the question of a possible position of Plotinus with regard to the Argument of the Third Man (TMA): first, we will examine if it is possible to attribute to Plotinus a position as regards TMA such as it appears in the Parmenides, in particular with regard to the premise which affirms the self-predication (SP) of the Forms. Next, we will briefly consider how the question of the soul-body relationship can, to some extent, provide a better understanding of why Plotinus does not bother to give an explicit objection to TMA. Finally, we will analyze how the theory of two kinds of resemblance strikes a fatal blow to the spirit of TMA.


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Biografia autore

Luca Pitteloud, Federal University of ABC, São Bernardo do Campo, SP

Professor of Philosophy at Federal University of ABC, São Bernardo do Campo, SP

Riferimenti bibliografici

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Come citare

Pitteloud, L. (2020). Plotinus and the third man argument. Voluntas: International Journal of Philosophy, 11(1), 118–133.