Schopenhauer and Mainländer: a philosophical-pessimistic dialogue through Rupertine del Fino
Rupertine del Fino, Schopenhauer, Mainländer, PhilosophyAbstract
This article has been intended as an introductory analysis that explores the presence of Schopenhauer in the philosophical novel Rupertine del Fino by the German philosopher and writer Philipp Mainländer, due to the meager research that has been carried out in this regard and the unavoidable influence displayed by the philosopher. pessimistic in Mainländer's work, likewise, said analysis was intertwined with some points of Mainländer's Philosophy of redemption. The scheme that is followed is, first, to develop a reflection around the search for meaning, relating this to the different positions that the characters of the philosophical novel assume before life, the ways in which they develop in the world, among others. aspects, focusing on the character of Rupertine with the purpose of glimpsing other aspects that are not limited to simply presenting her as a passionate woman, since we propose to resignify and rethink the character. Finally, delve into the antipodes of these philosophies, in which the verification of the vicissitudes of human existence and the development of the world are the main referent of this analysis.Downloads
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