Absraction and Empathy: Schopenhauer and the Foundations of Abstract Art
Worringer, Abstraction, Empathy, Avant-GardeAbstract
Among the theories that support the need for abstraction, one of the most interesting was probably conceived by Wilhelm Worringer, an art historian who, being a contemporary of the artistic avant-gardes that started in abstract experiments, traditionally linked to primitive cultures, stablished, in 1907, the contraposition between two artistic approaches: abstraction and mimetic or realistic art. According to Worringer, abstract art would in no way be inferior to figurative art, would not be the result of some kind of inability to produce figurative art, but the product of an entirely different intention, a kind of spiritual necessity in face of the chaotic reality that surrounds us.
CACCIOLA, M. L. A Contemplação estética: Schopenhauer e Mondrian. Dois pontos, Curitiba, São Carlos, vol. 11, n. 1, p. 91-103, abr. 2014.
GLUCK, M. Interpreting Primitivism, Mass Culture and Modernism: The Making of Wilhelm Worringer's Abstraction and Empathy. New German Critique, n. 80, Special Issue on the Holocaust, p. 149-169, Spring - Summer, 2000.
WORRINGER, W. Abstraction and Empathy. Chicago: Elephant Paperbacks, 1997.
- 2022-03-23 (2)
- 2021-12-28 (1)
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