My way to Paul Deussen: on the perennial relations between Schopenhauer's philosophy and the Advaita Vedānta




idealismo transcendental, Vedānta, perenialismo, verdade eterna, metafísica universal


This article recreates the itinerary, from scientific initiation to doctorate, which led me, nowadays, to the study of the philosophy of Paul Deussen (1845-1919). Here, I make a chronology along which the following subjects are addressed: (i) what is Vedānta and what would be its relationship with the Kantian-Schopenhauerian transcendental idealism; (ii) the philosophical tendencies implicit in the genesis of Schopenhauer's thought; (iii) the comprehension of Schopenhauerian philosophy as a convergence zone of the doctrines present in Kant, Plato and in the Upaniṣad's; (iv) the perennial sense of philosophy in Deussen's work, which is based on the comparison of texts from multiple philosophical and religious traditions, by which he aims at extracting "the only eternal truth common to all" (DEUSSEN, 1894, p. V).


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Author Biography

Daniel Rodrigues Braz, Universidade Federal do ABC.

Doutorando em Filosofia na UFABC, orientado pelo prof. Flamarion Caldeira Ramos, com pesquisa que tematiza o pensamento perenialista de Paul Deussen à luz das relações que ele estabelece entre a filosofia schopenhaueriana e o Vedānta.

Mestre em Filosofia na UFRRJ, com dissertação orientada pelo prof. Leandro Chevitarese, na linha Ética, Política e Subjetividade. Foco de trabalho em Schopenhauer.

Graduado com Licenciatura em Filosofia na PUC-Rio.



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2021-12-28 — Updated on 2022-03-23


How to Cite

Rodrigues Braz, D. (2022). My way to Paul Deussen: on the perennial relations between Schopenhauer’s philosophy and the Advaita Vedānta. Voluntas: International Journal of Philosophy, 12, e17. (Original work published December 28, 2021)



Schopenhauer e o pensamento universal