Schopenhauer and the dream of the world
Traum, Visionen, Geistersehen, Traumdeutung, Dissertation, Realität, Virtualität, Vorstellung, Erwachen, Erlösung, BefreiungAbstract
Dreams and all that is connected with them have always occupied Schopenhauer from the youth. His “Interpretation of the Dreams” prepares the way for the psychoanalysis of Sigmund Freud. Dreams suspend the reality of the factual world, which as a world of imagination is subject to the “Principle of sufficient reason”. The concept of dreaming shows in various aspects an analogy to the concept of virtuality, which reminds of the philosophy of absolute virtualism of Schopenhauer´s contemporary Friedrich Bouterwek. Since the main work announces an “awakening” from the world of the imagination, an analysis guided by the key concept of dreaming leads to the various dimensions of the dream itself, whose presentation the books 2, 3 and 4 of the main work are dedicated. The awakening that was already proposed in the dissertation of 1813 proves to be an intricate process resulting in a different relationship to the world, which can be understood as salvation or liberation.
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- 2022-03-23 (3)
- 2022-01-17 (2)
- 2021-12-28 (1)
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