Critical implications of biopolitical immunization of human life in times of viral pandemic: reflections from Roberto Esposito
Esposito, Biopolitical immunization, Immune paradigm, Critical implications, LifeAbstract
We intend in this work analyse critical implications of human life’s biopolitical immunization from Roberto Esposito’s reflections, questioning the following problem: in times of viral pandemic and, consequently, of emergency states, in what way the immune paradigm acts on the life? The hypothesis we would like to evidence starts from the ground that, in critical crisis, the immune paradigm is taken into its limit, later converging to emergency states which are responsible to introduce harmful policies that provoque life and death. With a view to confirm our hypothesis, the aim and the work problematic, this study is organized into two moments: (1) firstly, our goal is provide Roberto Esposito’s reflection about immune paradigm; (2) secondly, we aim to analyse the viral pandemic crisis in light of this paradigm, to try find some traces of how this conceitual tool can allow us to develop an interpretation for our present.Downloads
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