Leibniz and the perfecting of medicine: introduction to text and translation
Leibniz, Medicine, ModernityAbstract
In this article we present a translation and discussion of a letter by the philosopher Leibniz (1646-1716), in which he discusses actions for the improvement of medicine. The importance and timeliness of this letter consists of proposing public actions to control epidemics by the state, as well as discussing the use of medication by medicine to control epidemics. At first, we explained the importance of publishing this letter, addressed to Germain Brice, in the Journal des Savants. In the second moment, we present the translation of the text, where it calls for the collection of information to help contain the spread of epidemiological diseases, this is a suggestion that some modern governments could benefit from. In the same text, Leibniz also refers to the treatment of a pandemic with a substance considered foreign.
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