Mozambican political philosophy: for a new democracy project
African Philosophy, Politics, DemocracyAbstract
This article aims to present how the philosopher Severino Ngoenha puts Mozambican philosophy at the service of reflection on its temporality and historical context, with a view to thinking about Mozambique 's democratic process and presenting the necessary foundations for a Mozambican dimension of Democracy. In this perspective, this work, based on his works The Times of Philosophy: Mozambican Philosophy and Democracy and African Philosophy: From Independence to Freedoms presents, through a triple contractualism, the foundations proposed by the philosopher so that Mozambique conquer an institutional model of Democracy. In conclusion, we consider that African philosophy can be understood as a fundamental instrument in the construction of a better future project for the African continent, as for Mozambique, since it can provide other alternatives for African peoples to move towards Freedom.This article aims to present how the philosopher Severino Ngoenha puts Mozambican philosophy at the service of reflection on its temporality and historical context, with a view to thinking about Mozambique 's democratic process and presenting the necessary foundations for a Mozambican dimension of Democracy. In this perspective, this work, based on his works The Times of Philosophy: Mozambican Philosophy and Democracy and African Philosophy: From Independence to Freedoms presents, through a triple contractualism, the foundations proposed by the philosopher so that Mozambique conquer an institutional model of Democracy. In conclusion, we consider that African philosophy can be understood as a fundamental instrument in the construction of a better future project for the African continent, as for Mozambique, since it can provide other alternatives for African peoples to move towards Freedom.Downloads
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