On the translations to the Portuguese of "bonum" and "malum" – the "summum bonum" in the philosophies of Augustine and Schopenhauer
bonum and malum, Augustine, SchopenhauerAbstract
With this article, I intend to make an analysis not only of the etymological origin of the latin terms bonum and malum, but also of their senses in the doctrines of Augustine and Schopenhauer. My intention is to show that the summum bonum of Augustine, constituting, actually, an inheritance of the platonic ágathos, has a moral signification. And, consequently, the Schopenhauer´s doctrine of the negation of the will, for being a recap of the Christian idea of grace as summum bonum, also has to show such a signification. From my analysis it will turn out to be that the most appropriate translation for bonum and malum is, respectively, “good” and “bad”, for, this way, it preserves the original moral sense of the latin terms and it emphasizes the moral role they exercise in the doctrines of the mentioned philosophers.Downloads
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