Sobre o conhecimento da coisa-em-si segundo Schopenhauer
Thing-in-itself, Feeling, Abstraction, Self-knowledge, Self-consciousness, ReflectionResumo
This paper proposes to analyze Schopenhauer’s methodological and hermeneutical considerations regarding the knowledge of the thing-in-itself. For this purpose, I explain the nature of the philosophical abstraction in light of the primacy of the metaphysics of the Will. I argue that the possibility of the philosophical research is rooted on the interpretation of self-knowledge as an instance of the Will’s objectivation. In this regard, I will plead that the definition and criteria developed by Schopenhauer for his philosophy are established at the expense of deductive demonstration, in favor of a peculiar and particular form of abstraction fitted for the philosophical enterprise and subject matter. Finally, I will present an interpretation of the epistemological basis of reflection in line with schopenhauerian philosophy.Downloads
Primary bibliography
SCHOPENHAUER, Arthur. El mundo como voluntad y representación I. Traducción de Pilar López de Santa María. Madrid: Trotta, 2005.
SCHOPENHAUER, Arthur. El mundo como voluntad y representación II. Traducción de Pilar López de Santa María. Madrid: Trotta, 2005.
SCHOPENHAUER, Arthur. Sobre la cuádruple raíz del principio de razón suficiente. Traducción de Leopoldo Eulogio Palacios. Gredos: Madrid, 1998.
Secundary bibliography
ATWELL, J. Schopenhauer On the Character of the world: The Metaphysics of the Will. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1995.
JANAWAY, C. Self and World in Schopenhauer’s philosophy. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1989.
RÁBADE OBRADO, A. Conciencia y dolor. Schopenhauer y la crisis de la modernidad. Madrid: Trotta, 1995.
SHAPSHAY, S. “Poetic Intuition and the Bounds of Sense: Metaphor and Metonomy in Schopenhauer’s Philosophy”. En: European Journal of Philosophy, Vol. 16, N° 2, Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 2008, pp. 211-229.
VASALOU, S. Schopenhauer and the Aesthetic Standpoint: Philosophy as a Practice of the Sublime, Cambridge: Cambridge university Press, 2013.
YOUNG, J. Schopenhauer. Londres: Routledge, 2005.
ZÖLLER, G, “Schopenhauer on the Self”. En: The Cambridge Companion to Schopenhauer, editado por Christopher Janaway, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009, pp. 18-43.
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