Democracy and political communication in post-truth times
Political communication, Democracy, Digital social networks, Post truthAbstract
The increasingly frequent access to digital social networks is provoking a new modus operandi for the practice of communication and political conflict. The purpose of this article is to investigate and reflect on this process of change, which is so expensive to the rules of the democratic game. The method employed is comparative, with descriptive and explanatory analyses, and uses data from the Latinobarómetro Consortium and the World Values Survey (WVS). The hypothesis is that the shift of political conflict towards these new tools has contributed to communication strategies that focus on the relativization of political facts and the deconstruction of traditional narratives gaining prominence. Digital social networks gradually change the logic of communication in political conflict, and respond to part of the discomfort currently caused in liberal democracies by promoting channels for the evasion of narratives arising from populist authoritarianism.
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