Photographic collection: the dissemination of documental heritage




Heritage, Archival science, Rheingantz Factory, Social networks


The Rheingantz Factory and its history built in the city of Rio Grande became relevant to the research topic due to its importance and constancy in the page of social networks tha talk about local history. Thus, the choice of the theme presented was buily from a Master’s research in Cultural Heritage developed at UFSM (RS) an aims to demonstrate the potential of social networks in the dissemination and remembrance of the photographic collection about the Fábrica Rheingantz on the page Facts and Things From Antanho do Rio Grande (RS). The theme includes the industrial heritage of the city of Rio Grande. The group hosted on the social network Facebook, object of this research, is presented, as well as the theorical foundation that underpins the research theme. The results, developed from the specific objectives of the survey of photographs that compruse the temporality from 2017 to 2020 that address the theme of the Factory in the publications, the analysis of the social analysis of the social collaboration of the object of this research in the dissemination of the history of Rheingantz, the verification of the clippings of reports in the posts and verifying the relevance of the diffusion of this heritage to the new generations and the production of a selective catalog of the selected photographs as a product of dissemination of the Riograndino documentary collection.


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Author Biographies

Tatiele Araujo da Costa, Federal University of Santa Maria

Bacharela em Arquivologia e Especialista em Arquivos Permanentes pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande. Mestra em Patrimônio Cultural pela Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. 

Fernanda Kieling Pedrazzi, Federal University of Santa Maria

Professora adjunta da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria vinculada ao Departamento de Arquivologia do Centro de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, possui toda sua formação na mesma Instituição, com graduação em Comunicação Social - Jornalismo, graduação em Arquivologia, mestrado em Engenharia de Produção e doutorado em Letras, na área de Análise do Discurso. Atua na Graduação em Arquivologia, principalmente nos seguintes temas: paleografia, arquivos pessoais, arquivologia, informação e cemitério e memória.


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How to Cite

Costa, T. A. da, & Pedrazzi, F. K. (2023). Photographic collection: the dissemination of documental heritage. Revista Sociais E Humanas, 36, e67976.



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