Anthropology and the Use of History
Possibilities of Non-Linearity in a Zapatista Field
Anthropology and history, non-linear historicity, instrumentalization of history, indigenous resistance, Zapatista MovementAbstract
This article deals with the uses of history made in and by anthropology and the analytical potentials of thinking based on logics that do not follow an ascending temporal line. It discusses how some classical theories have used, dispensed with or analyzed history in their epistemological-methodological approaches. Furthermore, it also explores “other historicities” (Schwarcz, 2005), anthropological analyses that rethink the relationships between past, present and future. I propose to consider a case in which subjects not only experience non-linear history, but also instrumentalize it as a form of resistance. I refer to the Zapatista Movement, formed by indigenous people from southeastern Mexico. Based on two phases of ethnographic research — one documentary and the other in person, conducted in the state of Chiapas (2016-2017) — I analyze how their discourses and projects shuffle time in two ways: in the first, past and present are indistinguishable in the discourses that deal with history; in the second, the future lives in the present and in the construction of a project to survive the end of the world, mobilizing emotions and creating alternatives.
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