Implications when building a method to search subordinated work by application
App, Food delivery, Participant observation, Digital information and communication technology, LabourAbstract
With the purpose of understanding app-based food delivery work between the second semester of 2022 and the first semester of 2023, one of the authors of this article, after constructing the method, set out to produce data through participant observation. It consisted, therefore, of generating data by willingly submitting to an app and working in food delivery for the purpose of comprehension. This approach to conducting the research was based on analogous experiences, specifically those conducted by Linhart (1986), Wacquant (2002), and Cant (2021). In this process, implications in the method construction were perceived due to the research involving an app, characterized as a Digital Information and Communication Technology (DICT). It is the discussion of these implications that guides the present article. To achieve this goal, we present how the method was constructed, followed by five implications that were perceived and discussed during the research process. It was concluded that methods for researching app-based subordinate work should allow for a reflective and flexible stance, accompanied by rigor capable of guiding the research.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Silvanir Destefani Sartori, Maria Cristina Dadalto, Jeremias Campos Simões
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