Civil society, transnationalization and political projects in Latin America in the context of hegemony dispute
Civil society, Social movements, Political project, Hegemony, DemocracyAbstract
The concept of civil society has received in the last years a great highlight as an analytical category on several phenomena that marked the transformations in both social organization and global geopolitics. In this paper, the proposal was to analyze the different approaches to civil society and their importance in the recent process of social change and redemocratization in Latin American countries. It was tried to emphasize how the democracy, while allowing new reconfigurations in the society and its organizations, also explained the dispute by hegemony present in the diversity of political actors in the region. In this sense, the process of democratization in Latin America, which allowed a reactivation of civil associations and social struggles in the region, can be examined in the light of the change in attitudes in the behavior of actors and social movements that go beyond the institutionalized relations between State and political system. In general, this process can be characterized by a dispute for different projects and conceptions around the consolidation of democracy and the very notion of a democratic State.Downloads
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