Between rights and reduction of labour costs: the labour reform justificated by entreprise representatives


  • Vinicius Foletto Bevilaqua Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS)



Theory of justifications, Legislative sphere, Labor reform, Representatives of entrepreneurial sector, Labor relations


The purpose of the article is to analyse the justifications from representatives of Brazilian entrepreneurial sector launched at 2017’s labor reform. To analyse the justifications, the article’s cutout is directioned to legislative sphere, specifically aiming to public hearings realized in Chamber of Deputies. From the theoretical framework of the theory of justifications by Boltanski, Chiappelo and Thévenot, it’s problematized what are the cités mobilized by the representatives of entrepreneurial sector in critical moments of legislative sphere with relation to labour reform? For the purpose of this article, the research is developed based on the analysis of documents, from the shorthand notes of public hearings deployed in the Chamber of Deputies. Records of a public hearing were analyzed. The method of analysis is discourse analysis. As results, it was identified that the justifications produced by representatives of the entrepreneurial sector gravitate around political discourses such as the reduction of labor costs, the “flexibilization” of labor contracts, collective private autonomy and the withdrawal of the State from the process of collective bargaining. Conclusively, it’s pointed out that the political discourses of the representatives of the entrepreneurial sector pass through, mainly, the mercantile cité and, secondarily, the industrial cité, evidencing that the justifications mobilized mask the private interests of the representatives of the entrepreneurial sector.


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How to Cite

Bevilaqua, V. F. (2019). Between rights and reduction of labour costs: the labour reform justificated by entreprise representatives. Século XXI: Journal of Social Sciences, 8(3), 1051–1084.