The Katxuyana and the tamiriki house: amerindian protagonism in cultural valorization
Indigenous heritage, House, Katxuyana, Social memory, TraditionAbstract
In this article the Amerindian protagonism in the valorization of their culture was analyzed in the light of the concepts of participation of “new subjects of right” and the objectivation of the culture. This reflection began with the reconstruction of the Tamiriki house, a constructive type abandoned for almost four decades, while the Katxuyana people lived far from their territory, on the banks of the Cachorro River, in the municipality of Oriximiná, Pará-Brazil. Since returning to this region in the late 1990s, after living with other natives, the Katxuyana have mobilized to ensure their descendants their tradition by learning their kwe’toh kumu (“our way of being” katxuyana). Preserving indigenous heritage, in this case, also implies strengthening the figure of the chief of the village, the pata yotono when resuming the mode of social organization of a katxuyana village. The reconstruction of Tamiriki, anchored in the social memory of the elders, revealed the importance of a place built for village sociability.
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