Notes on the concept of human essence in Marxism and Anthropology, by György Márkus
Human essence, Philosophical anthropologie, Ontology of Social BeingAbstract
First book written by György Márkus (1934-2016) aiming the international public, Marxism and Anthropology: the concept of 'human essence' in Marx's philosophy is an unavoidable reference in the Marxist debate on the subject. In this article I place the text of Márkus in the production of the Budapest School, a group of intellectuals organized around György Lukács throughout the 1960s, exploring their relation with the reflection of the mature Lukács, and through the elements mobilized from this reflection I present a critical review of Marxism and Anthropology. As main conclusions, I highlight the concept of the mobile substance underlying the characterization of human essence present in both authors, besides the fact that the extrapolation of the developmental tendencies of the social being typified by Lukács lead to the characterization of the human being as a natural, social, consciously and tendentially proposed by Márkus. So I hope to contribute for advancing a proper understanding of the relationship between the work of Marcus and the Budapest School, mapping the echoes of the influence of his mentor Lukacs.Downloads
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