Discourses on modernization and development in city elections: an analysis of the free campaign advertising time from Porto Alegre (Brazil) in 2016
Free campaign advertising time, Elections, Economic growth, Political discourse, LanguageAbstract
The aim of this article is to examine the discourses on development, growth and modernization from candidates in the major election of 2016 in Porto Alegre, Brazil. The investigation employed qualitative research methods and was an analysis of the free campaign advertising time of television, focusing on discourses, its semantic dimensions and strategic effects. The main hypothesis brings about the idea that in elections development can be an effective language by which the candidates present transformative and positive propositions, but simultaneously without any accuracy. They talk about modernization, growth and development and don’t realize misunderstandings. Often these words are used as synonymous. The research shows that candidates whose speeches linked development with efficiency, management, entrepreneurship and information systems were better positioned. We suggest that typical domains from the political world, such as democracy, mobilization and party or ideological struggles, are being replaced by political vision as a managerial and technical activityDownloads
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