Agencies and associations in the agroecology networks: practices and dynamics of interaction in the serra gaúcha and the zona da mata mineira


  • Flávia Charão-Marques Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Porto Alegre, RS
  • Claudia Job Schmitt Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ), Rio de Janeiro, RJ
  • Daniela Oliveira Prefeitura Municipal de Antonio Prado, RS



Networks, Agroecology, Agency, Brazilian agriculture


The article seeks to explore, from an ethnographic perspective, the multiple associations that are established between practices, agents and materialities in the interaction with “agroecological ideas”, referring territorial networks of agroecology, operating in the Serra Gaúcha and Zona da Mata Mineira. “Agroecological ideas” emerge not as a cohesive normative framework, but as a catalyst for a multiplicity of interactions and dynamics, increasing the density of networks and generating scale effects. The reflections presented here are the result of a relatively long and intense research effort, using different research strategies including participant observation, documentary research and relational data generation. It is observed that after more than two decades since the structuring of the first local initiatives in the territorial contexts studied, it is possible to identify important changes in the networks of associations established in the Serra Gaúcha and in the Zona da Mata, with the engagement of new actors and intensification of the connections established between different network domains, lending different tones to the interactions that are established in the surroundings of “agroecology”.


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How to Cite

Charão-Marques, F., Schmitt, C. J., & Oliveira, D. (2017). Agencies and associations in the agroecology networks: practices and dynamics of interaction in the serra gaúcha and the zona da mata mineira. Século XXI: Journal of Social Sciences, 7(1), 15–42.