Consumer-Brand Relationships (CBR): an empirical study of an integrative model in a credit union.


  • Fabrício Henrique de Figueiredo Universidade FUMEC. Belo horizonte, MG.
  • Cid Gonçalves Filho Universidade FUMEC. Belo horizonte, MG.



brand, consumers, cooperative members, cooperatives


Understanding the attitudinal components of the cooperative members' behavior in a credit cooperative in relation to the brand is fundamental in generating important knowledge about metrics and models for maintaining membership. This article will present the results of an empirical test based on an integrative model of relationship between members and the brand of a credit union. In Brazil there are 6,828 cooperatives, with 15 million members, generating 426 thousand jobs. In Minas Gerais there are 771 cooperatives, with 1.8 million members, generating 43 thousand jobs (OCEMG System, 2019). The methodology included an integrative model that was tested by modeling structural equations. The results showed adherence to the model and the hypotheses were supported, validating the CBR scale. The model points out the need for cooperatives to improve their relationship strategies with their members and the consolidation of their brands. It also opens up possibilities for further studies.


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How to Cite

Figueiredo, F. H. de, & Filho, C. G. (2021). Consumer-Brand Relationships (CBR): an empirical study of an integrative model in a credit union. Revista De Gestão E Organizações Cooperativas, 8(16), 01–30.


