The Challenges Of Legislation To Recognize The Legal Personality Of Organization Of Collective And Solidary Work
Brazilian Low, Bill 4.685/2001, cooperativism, solidarity economyAbstract
Analyzing the prisms of the relationship between solidarity economy and the current Brazilian legal order, this paper ponders the challenges of society in the construction of legislation that ensures solidarity economy workers the social recognition of new forms of cooperative production. Based on these formulations, this paper has the purpose of analyzing the Bill 4.685, under discussion at the Brazilian congress ,and its reflections on the practices of Solidarity Economic Enterprises (EES). In the review, we examined the current legislation and the barriers to the management mechanisms adopted in the EES. The joint and transversal evaluation of these socioeconomic aspects allowed to reflect on the social relevance of the approval of this legislation. An analytical-descriptive approach was used as methodology, examining the main points discussed in the by the Brazilian Conference of Solidarity Economy –CONAES (2014), which are: formalization, tax treatment, social security, promotion and support for access to credit.Downloads
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- 2018-08-02 (1)
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