Correlation between pain tolerance threshold for pressure, strength and lumbar mobility in university students
Lumbar spine, Dynamometry, Flexibility, Pressure pain threshold.Abstract
Introduction: Low back pain may be related to the factors of mobility, flexibility and muscular strength of the lower back and surroundings. Objective: To evaluate and verify associations between pressure pain threshold (PPT), strength and lumbar mobility in healthy women. Method: This was an observational cross-sectional study in which 50 university students participated. The volunteers were submitted to body mass index (BMI), Schober test, sit and reach test, trunk extension strength test and pressure pain threshold by means of algometry at the points: paravertebral muscles, supraspinatus ligaments, gluteus medius. Data were analyzed using the SigmaStat statistical package using Pearson correlation analysis. Results: The analyzes showed a very strong and strong correlation between the data of the mid-gluteus and posterior portion gluteus algometry (r = 0.91), paravertebral algometry and L4-L5 ligament algometry (r = 0.68). paravertebral and mid-gluteus algometry middle portion (r = 0.75) and posterior (r = 0.77). However, the other correlations between algometry and sit and reach test were moderate results, and the others in relation to muscle strength presented weak or very weak correlations. Conclusion: In healthy women the main correlation was on the LTDP between the gluteus regions with very strong correlation.
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