Local anesthetics in university dental clinic: knowledge of graduates about adverse and toxic effects
Anesthesia, Complications, Dentistry, ToxicologyAbstract
This study aimed to verify the knowledge of undergraduate dentistry students about the correct and safe use of local anesthetics in the dental clinic. Initially the students of the 9th and 10th semester answered a form to observe their indications for the patients, according to their anesthetic choice and to measure their knowledge about possible adverse and toxic reactions related to these compounds. After verifying the answers, they were classified in a semi-qualitative manner. The collected data were entered in the Excel database, to enable the process of the obtained answers. There was a greater number of correct answers in the questions related to pregnant patients, and a larger number of errors observed was predominantly in questions about anaphylaxis in general and insulin dependent diabetics. According to the observation of the answers obtained, it is concluded that the students demonstrated difficulties on the proposed theme, especially when dealing with cases with patients with some type of disability, such as allergic patients. Thus, it is necessary beyond the knowledge of the correct substance, that the dentist observe the patient’s clinical history to continue the care, seeking to avoid when possible standardization. The technique and the correct amount of solution, in order to avoid intravascular administration, for example, which can be avoided with prior aspiration, also aiming at the need to follow protocol instructions.Downloads
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