Functional capacity and family support in long age elderly home residents
Elderly, Family, Aging, Functionality.Abstract
Objective: to evaluate the functional capacity and family support of long-lived elderly people living at home. Methods: This is a descriptive research, with a cross-sectional and observational design carried out in the municipality of Jequié with 117 long-lived elderly people registered in five family health units. The data collection instrument consisted of sociodemographic characterization, health conditions, Barthel Index, Lawton Scale and Perception Inventory of Family Support, with a descriptive analysis of the study variables. Result: There was a higher frequency of elderly females (59.0%), aged between 80 and 84 years (57.3%) illiterate (51.3%), independent in basic activities of daily living ( 59.0%), dependent on instrumental activities of daily living (80.3%), with high score (62.4%) in the Affectivity-Consistency domain, high score (53.0%) in the Family Adaptation domain and high score (60.7%) in the Autonomy domain. It was found in relation to functional capacity that there was a predominance of independence to perform BADLs, while for performing IADLs a dependency was observed. Conclusion: Regarding family support, it was evidenced that the elderly in the study have impairment in the domains Affectivity-Consistency and Autonomy. In the assessment of ABVD, it was found that the majority of the elderly were classified as independent and as dependents in IADL.Downloads
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