Relationship between functionality and lifestyle among elderly people with and without history of falls
aged, life style, activities of daily livingAbstract
This study verified the relationship between fear of falling, functionality and lifestyle of long-lived elderly with and without a history of falls. 61 elderly (83.7 ± 6.1 years) responded on: Lifestyle FANTASTIC, fear of falling (FES) and functionality of Daily Living Instrumental Activities (AIVD). The prevalence of falls was 34% and there was no difference in the variables between the groups. The elderly have a lifestyle considered “very good”, good level of performance of AIVDs and fear of falling compatible to sporadic falls. There was a strong correlation between lifestyle and AIVD, moderate between FES and lifestyle and FES and AIVD. The correlations between FES, lifestyle and AIVD suggest that lifestyle and the ability to perform the instrumental activities of daily living are associated with less fear of falling.Downloads
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