The multisensoriality in museums: a historical itinerary




Multisensoriality, Museology, Accessibility


This paper considers the predominance of visuality in contemporary Western society, which extends to the fields of arts and museology. The theme of multisensoriality in museology is approached from a historical perspective, locating proposals that sought to break with the paradigm of visuality in these contexts. The relationships between multisensoriality and accessibility in the museum context are also discussed.


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Author Biography

Nicole Palucci Marziale, University of São Paulo

Doutorado em andamento em Estética e História da Arte na Universidade de São Paulo, USP, Brasil.


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How to Cite

Marziale, N. P. (2024). The multisensoriality in museums: a historical itinerary. Revista Digital Do LAV, 17(1), e4/1–20.