Interviewing Art teachers who teach music content: meeting between identities professionals
Narrative, Identity, Basic School Teachers, Subject Arts, Law 11.769/08, Music EducationAbstract
This article discusses the results of a master research in which were interviewed art teachers who teach music in the educational context of southwest Paraná. It centers in the area of Music Education, according to the law number 11.769/08, which establish the teaching of Music in Elementary and High schools as mandatory content. The interviews are conducted in 2009. The objectives proposed to the development of this research refer to the wonders among teachers’ narratives related to their identities as teachers of the Art discipline. The methodology employed in this research is qualitative approach, whose data were collected from interviews within the Thematic Oral History approach. The participants were seven teachers of Public schools from the regional nucleus of Pato Branco, in the State of Paraná. The analysis of the data focus on the professional experience and acting, the teacher’s view concerning the diverse artistic languages and the possible approach of musical contents by the teacher graduated in Visual Arts. It is ambitioned that the teachers interviewed, as well as the readers of this paper, may look, via empathy, at their professional acting with a new perspective which helps them “to be a teacher” more critic and aware of the possibilities that Art brings beyond its multiple challenges. By doing so, it is longed for to contribute to the study of teachers’ narratives, the specific problems involving Art discipline in Elementary and High schools and the directions resulting from the implementation of Brazilian law number 11.769/08.Downloads
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