Invented things: editing and montage in a school cinema club
cinema, child education, montage, teacher training.Abstract
The present article is based on the experience of child education teachers in montage of short films carried out in schools in the outskirts of Campinas-SP. These experiences express a path that emerged in the cartographic research developed in the project Lugar-escola e cinema (Place-school and cinema), and led us to rehearse the perspective of montage as ignorant schoolmaster of a pedagogy of cinema. The article begins by indicating the need to distinguish the concepts of editing and montage, due to the singularities of the school context and the way cinema is produced there. Then, it reports and reflects on processes of individual and collective film creation, where montage and editing act distinctly in negotiations between teachers-filmmakers and in learning from and with cinema. Since these processes are as multiple as they are intuitive, the article reports in what way intuition combined with technical knowledge led to a certain type of montage, where the spread of senses and confidence in the viewer play a decisive role in our experience of making-seeing-talking about films in a school cine club.
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