Crossed visualities. A case of inquiry about the images of experimental science


  • Fernando Miranda Instituto “Escuela Nacional de Bellas Artes” (asimilado a Facultad) / Universidad de la República (Uruguay)



Visualities, Art, science and technology, Sensible distribution


This article involves some questions around the production of knowledge in Basic Psychology. By means of interviews and revision of images we work with a group of university researchers departing from the visualities produced in this field. The aim is to know how the use of the repertories of visual culture can tackle the contents of the arts, science and technologies to subvert the sensible distribution of the disciplinary division in which the systematic knowledge is organized.


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Author Biography

Fernando Miranda, Instituto “Escuela Nacional de Bellas Artes” (asimilado a Facultad) / Universidad de la República (Uruguay)

Instituto “Escuela Nacional de Bellas Artes” (asimilado a Facultad) / Universidad de la República (Uruguay)


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How to Cite

Miranda, F. (2018). Crossed visualities. A case of inquiry about the images of experimental science. Revista Digital Do LAV, 11(1), 004–030.