Drifting geographies
Drifting geographies, Workshops as other territories in education, Education as inventionAbstract
Walking and writing is different from flying and reading. The memory brought us, then, a phrase from Walter Benjamin, while we thought about everything that we had already experienced so far. We reopened the activities of year 2017, at the Hospital of Custody and Psychiatric Treatment (Hospital de Custódia e Tratamento Psiquiátrico - HCTP), in Florianópolis, thinking about walking and writing, about the contact with the world through an experience that necessarily involves a surface, a ground, a territory. The purpose of this text is to present the drifts of the work carried out at HCTP with inpatients through practices developed in workshops called "Drifting Geographies", linked to the previous work developed by one of us, entitled Maps, prison and flight: intensive cartography in education.
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