Alone with a museum educator: A conversation about her work, situation and vision of contemporary artistic educ


  • Eneritz López Martínez



Museum educator, Precarious employment, Lack of recognition, Lifelong learning


Which paths is art education in museums going through? What are the requirements and professional situation of museum educators? What kinds of relationships exist between art educators and school teachers? Through a direct and sincere conversation, an experienced educator and a researcher will explore these and other issues related to the pedagogical practice in art museums. Following the thread of these personal reports - where they will share their experiences, desires and perceptions-, some reflections will be presented, interspersed with some quotes and views by diverse experts on this fieldAlone with a museum educator: A conversation about her work, situation and vision of contemporary artistic education


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Author Biography

Eneritz López Martínez

Doutora em Educação Artística pela Universidade de Barcelona e Bacharel em História da Arte (Universidade País Basco)


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How to Cite

Martínez, E. L. (2011). Alone with a museum educator: A conversation about her work, situation and vision of contemporary artistic educ. Revista Digital Do LAV, 6(6), 031–043.