Portraits of Susana: from text to painting
Aesthetic, Painting, Apocryphal narrative, Point of view, Female authorshipAbstract
From the notion about "what is Beauty", it is proposed to discuss a problematic theme that is the female harassment in the history of art and the ancient texts. Taking the story of Susana attributed to the prophet Daniel, is noticed that a profusion of plastic versions of this narrative, which usually represent a naked woman terrified by the male gaze, that violates and gets in the scene of what should be a quiet bath. The corpus analyzed comes from the text to the painting, with the main focus being the italian artist Artemisia Gentileschi (1593-1651/53), who points to important reflections of the contemporary context regarding the feminine view, being the same passage portrayed by several artists at different times. The aim is to contribute to the studies that think about the female authorship and the interference on the point of view, besides the relations between text, image and historical context.Downloads
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