From spray to pixels: a semiotic study on the cyberculturalization of graffiti


  • Deborah Lopes Pennachin Doutoranda pela Escola de Belas Artes da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais



Graffiti, Intersemiotic translation, Semiosis


The proposal is to investigate the intersemiotic translation processes related to urban art, in particular the graffiti painted in places of invisibility. These inscriptions have its ephemeral existence continued by means of photographic documentation later publicized on the web, what increases its reach. These creative transcodification processes instigate new ways of sociability and symbolic exchange. Understanding how they occur is essencial to the analysis of contemporary urban art.


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How to Cite

Pennachin, D. L. (2010). From spray to pixels: a semiotic study on the cyberculturalization of graffiti. Revista Digital Do LAV, 1(1), 165–182.