O Perfil do Professor de Artes Visuais em Portugal (1860-actualidade): ilações para o futuro


  • Ana Tudela Lima de Sousa




Visual Arts Teacher Education, Visual Arts Teacher Profile, Visual Arts Teacher, Teacher Education, Visual Arts Teaching


This article is the result, on the one hand, of the awareness that overtook me concerning the evolution of the Visual Arts teacher profile throughout the Portuguese history of teaching in this field (1860-present day), while conducting my masters degree; and, on the other hand, of several reports of unease by several investigators of the field on an international level, which I came across in the last year, as part of my doctorate – New Paradigms, new practices? The Visual Arts Teacher Education in contemporary times: a comparative study. Thus, in the first place, the main profiles of the Visual Arts teacher are presented, setting up a link between their artistic and pedagogical training and the educational practices they developed; and, in second place, the current issues relative to the international Visual Arts Teacher Education are exposed. These issues are finally translated into the Portuguese context and, in a larger scale, into the IberoAmerican context.


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Author Biography

Ana Tudela Lima de Sousa

Mestre em Educação Artística pela Faculdade de
Belas-Artes da Universidade de Lisboa. Actualmente, desenvolve investigação de doutoramento no âmbito da Formação de Professores de Artes Visuais


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How to Cite

Sousa, A. T. L. de. (2010). O Perfil do Professor de Artes Visuais em Portugal (1860-actualidade): ilações para o futuro. Revista Digital Do LAV, 1(1), 032–044. https://doi.org/10.5902/198373482165