Painted word: non-verbal text and its aesthetic discourse


  • Sônia de Fátima Elias Mariano Carvalho



Discourse Analysis, Non-Verbal Discursivity, Interdiscursivity, Polichromy


This paper aims at developing perceptions toward an image study of an art piece, in its materiality. It will be taken as theoretical framework notions inscribed in French Discourse Analysis, specially Michel Pêcheux’s thought, establishing an interface with Mikhail Bakhtin’s concepts of dialogism and polyphony. Such theoretical and methodological trajectory will allow us working with the notions of polyphony, interdiscourse, polissemy and polichromy. Approaching an image, an art piece, it will be proceeded a color and trace reading in order to express what the artist wanted to say. We will be searching an interpretation, a meaning perception of images. Such elements compose a discursive “semiosis” in van Gogh’s work, evidencing a recurrence of antagonisms. Colors and lines, dark sky and brighten landscape “night or day”; the church is seen from the top or in front of it? Symmetry or Asymmetry establishes a foundation of tension from aesthetic subject on life, on himself. These paradoxes motivate a disturbing representation, where emotion and reason become in conflict under an effect of ambiguity and unsure ness. Ways to where?


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Author Biography

Sônia de Fátima Elias Mariano Carvalho

Mestranda em Lingüística pela Universidade Federal de Uberlândia


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How to Cite

Carvalho, S. de F. E. M. (2010). Painted word: non-verbal text and its aesthetic discourse. Revista Digital Do LAV, 1(1), 212–227.