Las artes en la trama de la cultura. Fundamentos para renovar la educación artístic


  • Imanol Aguirre Arriaga



Visual arts, Cultural sistem, Aesthetic experience, Interpretation and meaning of art


In this paper we essay a revision of some deep conceptions on ar and art education. For that reason, according to the theories of the anthropologist C. Geertz, we start mading a reconceptualization of the idea of art, considering that as a simbolic system which interact with other simbolic systems inside of the culture. In the second part we analize and develop the consecuences that this redefinition carries on the art education, proposing a new approach to consider the field of the study and the structure of the curriculum as well as a new perspective on the practices of interpretation and extraction of meaning in front of the visual arts.


Author Biography

Imanol Aguirre Arriaga

Diplomado en Profesorado de EGB y Licenciado en Filosofía por la Universidad del País Vasco. Es Doctor por el Departamento de Filosofía de los Valores y Antropología Social de la citada universidad


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How to Cite

Arriaga, I. A. (2010). Las artes en la trama de la cultura. Fundamentos para renovar la educación artístic. Revista Digital Do LAV, 1(1), 001–019.