Image sources in the poetics of Andreas Gryphius


  • Antônio Jackson de Souza Brandão



Andreas Gryphius, Baroque, Emblematic genre, Image


We intend to reflect on the use of imagetic elements and its sources in German 17th century and to demonstrate that the literature of the Baroque doesn’t have to be understood as poetical of personal experiences in the contemporary’s sense. Andreas Gryphius, as the inserted artists in the social context of the German Baroque, was immersed in a sea of images and topics, making large use of these in his poetical work. For that, he used as inspired source not only of the auctoritas and some books of emblems that circulated in Europe in 17th century, like the Bible, since the period also be impregnated of the sacred element.


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Author Biography

Antônio Jackson de Souza Brandão

Mestre (A literatura barroca na Alemanha: representação, vanitas e guerra), Doutor (Iconofotologia do Barroco alemão) em Literatura alemã e fotografia, ambos pela Universidade de São Paulo


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How to Cite

Brandão, A. J. de S. (2010). Image sources in the poetics of Andreas Gryphius. Revista Digital Do LAV, 5(5), 145–167.