Images of the city and images of oneself in Art Education


  • Ronaldo Oliveira Universidade Estadual de Londrina, Paraná



Urban landscape, Art teaching, Presence methodology


This article presents reflections on the methodology of Art Education in which the city and its environment become important aspects in learning. Based on an Art Education interference (a case study) that was developed with public school students in the district of Irerê, in Londrina, State of Paraná – Brazil, a proposition was developed, whose main purpose was to establish links between the students and the urban and rural space in which they live, so that, as Yi-FuTuan argues, the space be transformed into a place. For traditional approaches in Education, readings and re-readings of art history images are the center of teaching and learning processes, while histories and voices of those who see, read and experience learning are disregarded. By emphasizing the personal universe of the subject, this research points to the possibility of what we have named presence methodology. Such a methodology is concerned with the student taking a major part in the processes of art education.


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Author Biography

Ronaldo Oliveira, Universidade Estadual de Londrina, Paraná

Professor Adjunto "C" da Universidade Estadual de Londrina, no Departamento de Arte Visual


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How to Cite

Oliveira, R. (2015). Images of the city and images of oneself in Art Education. Revista Digital Do LAV, 080–103.



Dossiê: Repensar os Fundamentos da Educação das Artes na Contemporaneidade