Between pedagogical practice and artistic practice: Reflections on Art and Art Education


  • Jociele Lampert Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina
  • Carolina Nunes



Art Education, Professor artist, Cartography, Studio


The text discusses concepts about the place of teacher artist as well, drifting on the concept of experience using the studio as a creative space, power generator for joints between teacher formation and artistic practice. The study is guided on how the teacher makes up his creative process with the development of cartography, in order to propose the flow and connections between the studio space concepts and subjectivity in the teaching practice of doing / knowing the artist teacher. Thus, theory and practice plot in methodological perspectives in order that the research itself explore the subjective narrative artist and teacher identity.


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Author Biographies

Jociele Lampert, Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina

Doutora em Artes Visuais pela ECA/USP. Orienta Graduação e Pós-Graduação em Artes Visuais na UDESC. Coordena o Grupo de Estudos Estúdio de Pintura Apotheke e desenvolve o projeto de pesquisa "Arte Educação pela pintura: a produção artística do artista professor” (UDESC/CEART). Membro da ANPAPe INSEA e do GEPAEC/UFSM/CNPq.

Carolina Nunes

Professora/artista/pesquisadora atua na Rede de Ensino Público em Florianópolis - SC. Licenciada em Artes Visuais. Participa do projeto de pesquisa “Arte Educação pela pintura: a produção artística do artista professor” (UDESC/CEART) e também é membro do Grupo de Estudos Estúdio de Pintura Apotheke.


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How to Cite

Lampert, J., & Nunes, C. (2015). Between pedagogical practice and artistic practice: Reflections on Art and Art Education. Revista Digital Do LAV, 7(3), 100–112.