An experience of performance intervention in search of another “narrative” for teaching art


  • Georgina Furtado Franca Faculdade de Belas Artes da Universidade do Porto



Performance intervention, Narrative, Visual culture, artography, Artistic education


This article form a part of doctorate research of Artistic Education in Faculty of Fine Arts of University of Porto, Portugal and that´s developed in Brasil in João Pessoa, Paraíba´s state in a Cultural Center composed of two museum and in a municipal public school. The investigation search to construct an another comprehension about the possibilities to experiment the patrimony as from an creative act of performance intervention in the museum and when takes to school search to promote a distinguished knowledge to see, sensorial multiple, offering to everyone as from their interpretation and subjective construct, the possession about that he is learning, so on, make sense about their learn, built knowledge. It´s lay the foundation in concept of narrative developed for Walter Benjamin and have the autoethnography as research method. An approximation with a visual culture in a practice of an education research based in art, A/r/tography, in which tell a tale to make possible another tell their tale too.


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Author Biography

Georgina Furtado Franca, Faculdade de Belas Artes da Universidade do Porto

Doutoranda em Educação Artística da Faculdade de Belas Artes da Universidade do Porto, Portugal


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How to Cite

Franca, G. F. (2015). An experience of performance intervention in search of another “narrative” for teaching art. Revista Digital Do LAV, 7(3), 053–077.