Bio-Graphics" registers: approach to a student's knowledge through the Book-Object proposed by a teacher in probation


  • Daniela Anico Gazimba Bacalhau



Drawing, Graphic Diary, Identity, Self-Knowledge, Biograph


The present article proposes some reflections about the role of student self-knowledge in the context of art education, and a pedagogy focused towards the promotion of individual identities that could challenge prevailing practices. It seems clear to everyone that most of that practices tend completely to ignore the subject in the current educational context. The backdrop of this reflections is the exploitation of paths and didactic proposals leading to a regular drawing practice in Graphic Diary, at schools, using the student and his identity heritage, to define his own authorial bio-graphic registers.


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Author Biography

Daniela Anico Gazimba Bacalhau

Licenciada em Artes Plásticas, Pintura (Universidade de Évora - Portugal) - 2001Mestre em Ciências da Educação “A criança em diferentes contextos educativos”. (Universidade de Évora - Portugal) - 2009Mestre em Ciências da Educação, "Ensino das Artes Visuais no 3º Ciclo e Secundário”. (Universidade de Évora - Portugal) - 2012


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How to Cite

Bacalhau, D. A. G. (2014). Bio-Graphics" registers: approach to a student’s knowledge through the Book-Object proposed by a teacher in probation. Revista Digital Do LAV, 7(1), 092–112.